Accessible and straightforward front-end GUI for pre- and post-processing GAMESS, NWChem, MOPAC, LAMMPS, Gromacs and Quantum ESPRESSO.

Accessible and straightforward front-end GUI for pre- and post-processing GAMESS, NWChem, MOPAC, LAMMPS, Gromacs and Quantum ESPRESSO.
Everything in one place: build molecular & crystal structures, perform simulations and analyze properties. |
Interfaces to GAMESS, NWChem, MOPAC, LAMMPS, Gromacs, Quantum ESPRESSO and more for comprehensive atomic-scale analysis. |
Supports both local PCs and large-scale simulations on supercomputers. |
Comprehensive tutorials, extensive manual and FAQs provide step-by-step guidance. |
Winmostar has been implemented in various fields, including manufacturing industries, educational and research institutes. The research outcomes achieved by users have been published in academic papers and patents. These achievements obviously demonstrate outstanding practical value and reliability of Winmostar's features and support. (as of Sep 26, 2023)
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Winmostar: The Choice of the World's Top Universities
Comprehensive features for a wide range of professional uses, including cutting-edge materials research, patent applications and academic research writing.
Build diverse molecular and crystal structures. |
Straightforward and adaptive calculation settings. |
Seamless switching between various resources. (local PCs, remote servers) |
Automated management of extensive files and processes. |
Analysis and visualization of calculation results and computation of various physical properties. |
Convert simulation data. |
Comprehensive support ensures even beginners can use it with confidence.