13. Frequently asked questions · Troubleshooting
13.1. Purchase
13.1.1. Q. Please tell me how to pay the price.
13.1.2. Q. Please tell me the types of documents issued by the company.
13.1.3. Q. How do I place an order other than an end user, such as an agency?
13.1.4. Q. Is it possible to split the price of Winmostar and maintenance? Is it possible to sell maintenance only?
13.1.5. Q. Is there a warranty for the product?
13.1.6. Q. Is there any discount for personal use? Do you have a license for individuals?
13.1.7. Q. I am both an educational and research institution. Can I use my institution’s budget to purchase a license for an educational institution?
13.1.8. Q. What is the process of signing a site license agreement when purchasing a site license from a distributor?
13.1.9. Q. Can I purchase on a daily or monthly basis?
13.1.10. Why is Winmostar more cost-effective than similar GUI software products from other companies?
13.2. License Code
13.2.1. Q. Is it possible to change the registered user of a specific user license?
This is not possible in the case of private companies and public offices. For educational institutions, it is possible to change if more than one year has passed since the last user change (or purchase if it is the first time).
13.2.2. Q. If I move from the institution where I purchased my educational license to another institution, can I continue to use that license?
If you are no longer affiliated with the institution at the time of purchase, you will not be able to use the software, even if it is a perpetual license. This is because the license for educational institutions is specially priced for students, researchers, and faculty who belong to the educational institution and use the software only for the educational institution’s business.
13.2.3. Q. Do I need to reinstall the software when I change editions, such as from a free edition to a student edition, or from a free trial to a professional edition?
13.2.4. Q. Can I install different editions of Winmostar, such as the free version and the professional version?
13.2.5. How do I change an already entered license code?
13.2.6. Q. Please tell me how to display the MAC address.
Winmostar V10 or lower and Windows 10, first click
to launch the command prompt. Next, in the Command Prompt window, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. Various information will be output, look for the “physical address” line in the output. Its contents are the MAC address.If there is more than one “physical address” line, basically any “physical address” can be used as the MAC address for Winmostar’s node-locked license purchase.
13.2.7. Q. Does Winmostar license fee include Gaussian and/or VASP license fee, and is there a Winmostar lineup with Gaussian and/or VASP license?
13.2.8. Q. What will happen to my Winmostar when the license expires?
13.2.9. Q. Can I purchase a license for an educational institution for my personal learning purposes?
13.2.10. Q. What is the procedure for renewing my license?
13.2.11. Q.. What if a teacher wants to pre-evaluate the student edition that the supervising student is going to use?
13.2.12. Q. What happens when the Professional Edition (Trial) expires? Will I have to pay a fee?
13.3. Support and Maintenance
13.3.1. Q. What does maintenance include?
It is written in the contents of the Terms of Use. Here it is (Winmostar Terms of Use).
13.3.2. Q. What is the difference between paid e-mail support (support on how to operate via e-mail) and free inquiry form questions?
13.3.3. Q. Can I get support for bugs or patches?
This will be done in accordance with the terms of use. The latest terms of use are here ( Winmostar V11 Terms of Use ).
13.3.4. Q. How long do you plan to support and maintain the previous version?
Based on the terms of use in effect for your version of Winmostar. In addition, simple instructions on how to operate the system will be provided to the extent possible.
13.3.5. Q. Who is the developer (manufacturer) of Winmostar? Where is it manufactured?
X-Ability Co. Ltd.. Place of manufacture is Japan.
13.3.6. Q. Can I get in touch with the developer (manufacturer) directly?
You can contact us through the contact form, but our availability is subject to our terms and conditions. The latest terms of use are here ( Winmostar V11 Terms of Use ).
13.3.7. Q. Is it possible to update/upgrade version of the Winmostar I am using?
13.3.8. Q. Are there any precautions when asking a question?
13.3.9. Q. Do you sell maintenance only?
13.3.10. Q. Do you sell maintenance only?
13.3.11. Q. What happens when the annual maintenance on a perpetual licence expires?
13.3.12. Q. Do you offer technical support for your various solvers? How can I get technical support for various solvers?
13.3.13. Q. Do you provide telephone support?
With the exception of payment inquiries, we do not provide telephone support. Consultations about product content prior to purchase and questions about features and support are handled via our contact form or email. There are two reasons for this. The first is that Winmostar covers a wide range of methodologies, and some questions and support issues require a multi-person support team, which is not efficient over the phone. The second is to reduce inefficient support as much as possible, with the goal of also continuing to provide our high quality products and support at a reasonable price.
13.4. Functions and use of the software
13.4.1. How to pronounce Winmostar.
13.4.2. Q. Does Winmostar connect to internal and external servers or the cloud, or can it be used without a LAN connection?
13.4.3. Q. Please tell me the minimum and recommended specifications of PC for Winmostar.
13.4.4. Q. Is it possible to use the data generated by Winmostar for conference presentations and papers? How should I quote at conference presentations and paper submissions?
13.4.5. Q. Is it possible to upload videos or images of the Winmostar screen to YouTube or other web sites?
13.4.6. Q. Do you have any calculation software installed on Winmostar itself?
13.4.7. Q. Do you let Winmostar run calculations in the cloud?
13.4.8. Q. Does Winmostar support GPU computation?
13.4.9. Q. Which CPU is more suitable for operation, Intel or AMD? Which one would you recommend?
13.4.10. Q. Is it possible to do parallel computation using Winmostar?
13.4.11. Q. Is there an upper limit to the number of cores that can be used for parallel computing using Winmostar? Does the cost vary depending on the number of cores available?
13.4.12. Q. Does Winmostar work on macOS and Linux?
13.4.13. Q. How can I install Gaussian?
For instructions on installing Gaussian, get them from your Gaussian distributor. After installing Gaussian, In the
, select the Gaussian program path(g03.exe, g09.exe, g16.exe etc.).
13.4.14. Q. How can I install VASP?
Installation instructions for VASP can be obtained from your VASP distributor. VASP is only available for remote jobs; after installing VASP, edit the template script and specify the directory where you placed the VASP binary and pseudopotential files.
13.4.15. Q. How many atoms or molecules can I calculate with Winmostar? Is there an upper limit to the number of atoms or molecules that can be handled?
Assuming that the operating speed is not considered, we have confirmed the operation of up to about 1 million atoms. Since the operating speed strongly depends on the execution environment, please check it with the free trial before purchasing. We are planning to increase the speed of Winmostar in future versions.
13.4.16. Q. Can I use Winmostar to calculate coarse-grained models?
As coarse-grained models in the sense that they are not pure quantum chemical, ab initio, or classical molecular dynamics calculations, dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) calculations using LAMMPS and the Kremer-Greset model are supported (please inquire separately for Kremer-Greset). The United atom model and its derived coarse-grained models will be supported in the future. For other models, please contact us separately. The reason for this is that we recognize that most research using coarse-grained models cannot be meaningfully accomplished by simply using the software, but requires careful consulting. Winmostar’s support case study shows the simulation results of a well validated coarse-grained model.
13.4.17. Q. What is the difference between the latest stable version and the latest development version? Which do you recommend?
13.5. Software operations
13.5.1. Q. I can not create a model as I expected. It can not calculate. It does not work.
First, please perform the following basic checks.
Check the Installation precautions.
Check whether Winmostar in use is a free version, a student version, a professional version, or a professional version (trial), and whether the function causing the problem is available in that version with function table.
Check the activity record of the security software in use and check whether there is any record in which the activities of the application under Winmostar, CygwinWM and each solver’s installation folder are disturbed.
Update Winmostar to the latest version (it is possible to coexist with the version you are using), check if there is a situation similar to Known problems and Frequently asked questions · Troubleshooting.
If the names of files to be saved and directories containing them (including all upper layers) contain multibyte characters such as Japanese and special symbols including sapces, some solvers may cause problems. Therefore, use only single-byte alphanumeric characters.
Check the working folder to see if the log is being output by the executed process and check the contents of the log.
If calculation is started but the calculation result is wrong, click “Open Log File” etc from the solver menu used in the main menu and check the contents of the log.
For the calculation failure, check that the version of the solver is the same as the version recommended in the Winmostar installation guide. (Especially Gromacs, LAMMPS, or Quantum ESPRESSO)
Disable the “Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support” option on Windows if it is enabled. (See Some software will not work if the Windows option “Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support” is enabled. for details)
If a project or file is saved and used on a network drive and unexpected behaviour is observed, save and use it on a non-network drive (e.g. C drive).
Ensure that the calculations are carried out using exactly the same substances and conditions as in the basic version. (This is not limited to Winmostar, but in all cases where the substances and conditions are different, the calculations may not always end successfully using the methods described in the tutorial).
Trace again to confirm that it is not a misoperation.
If parallel execution is performed, switch to serial execution (parallel number 1).
Restart Winmostar.
Restart the OS.
With security software, Exclude Winmostar, installation folder of CygwinWM, and solvers including MPI from monitoring.
If you are using CygwinWM, run
and perform a simple diagnosis of CygwinWM.Reinstall Winmostar, CygwinWM and the solver you are using.
Try with another PC.
Next, trace the tutorial which seems to be as close as possible to what you want to calculate finally. If it succeeds, please change the calculation condition such as Number of atoms, size of super cell, degree of polymerization, type of element, number of phases, etc. so that it finally gets to calculate what you want to calculate and try to identify where the problem occurs.
Please check for similar cases in Frequently asked questions · Troubleshooting.
If the problem is occured in the part where Winmostar calls external software, Please check also information of the software.
If there is a problem with processing using Cygwin, please confirm Cygwin general problem.
13.5.2. Q. “ERROR: I/O error 32” is displayed and the processing fails.
13.5.3. Q. Process using Cygwin will end abnormally. / function will display … ERROR …. / Cygwin’s black window shows child_info_fork :: abort: … Loaded to different address: parent …! = Child ….
A. Please do the following procedure one by one from the top, and re-do the process where the error occurred each time.
Perform general dealing with common problems.
Restart your PC
Open Windows Security and go to App & browser control and click Exploit protection. Then change the value of Force randomization for images to Off by default or Use default (Off).
If the value of force image randomization is reset after restarting Windows, start PowerShell with administrator privileges and execute the following command.
cd C:\cygwin_wm Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Include *.exe | %{ Set-ProcessMitigation -Name $_.Name -Disable ForceRelocateImages }Then double-click
Check the operation with other applications closed. (In rare cases, there may be conflicts with other applications.)
Search and delete anything other than
and restart the machineWarning
This operation is necessary in some cases if
exists in addition to CygwinWM on the same machine.
may be included in various freeware etc even if you do not install Cygwin in other location.
With all Cygwins on the machine being used terminated, at the [Run] of Windows
(when CygwinWM is installed inC:\cygwin_wm
), execute the /bin/rebaseall -v, and restart the machine.Temporarily disable security software.
Disable software that tends to cause problems described in Cygwin FAQ .
In addition, try the method described in Cygwin FAQ fork() related failures.
Install a new version of Cygwin from the Cygwin official site and check if you can start a terminal.
13.5.4. Q. function displays No reference file (… filelist_cygwinwm.txt) was found….
) and specify the folder directly above it in [Tools]-[Preferences]-[Program Path]. Find filelist_cygwinwm.txt in the location where CygwinWM was installed (by default C:\cygwin_wm
) and specify the folder directly above it in [Tools]-[Preferences]-[Program Path]. If you cannot find filelist_cygwinwm.txt, the installation of CygwinWM may have failed, so please review the settings of your security software and reinstall CygwinWM.13.5.5. Q. function will display WARNING … some files are missing.
13.5.6. Q. function shows ERROR … Failed to generate a current file list.
13.5.7. Q. function displays ERROR: Getting SMILES …. OpenBabel process terminates abnormally.
13.5.8. Q. The job registered in Job Manager is not executed.
13.5.9. Q. When executing a job, an alert saying “Unable to execute (Access denied.)” appears and the job will not start.
13.5.10. Q. In the functions where a black console window appears, such as various functions of Winmostar or the execution of the solver, the processing of the black console window does not end and does not proceed.
13.5.11. Q. When I open a file or model a molecule, the bonds no longer appear or a lot of extra bonds have come to appear.
13.5.12. Q. How do I view the extension in Windows Explorer?
- In the case of Windows 7:
Open Explorer
Press the Alt key.
Open View tab in menu
uncheck hide extensions for known files type
- For Windows 8, 10
Open Explorer
Open View tab
Check File name extensions
13.5.13. Q. Markers (red circles) and group selections (blue circles) are not displayed. Atoms can no longer be selected.
Check the
13.5.14. Q. The toolbar and tool buttons are not displaying properly. Can I fix it?
First, close Winmostar, make a backup of the UserPref folder, then delete the contents of the UserPref folder and restart Winmostar. If that doesn’t make a difference, try the Winmostar toolbar and tool buttons are displayed incorrectly when Windows display magnification is other than 100%. workaround.
13.5.15. Q. What is an optimization flag?
See Optimization Flags.
13.5.16. Q. Can I have Winmostar not run calculations directly from Winmostar and just save the file, or can I edit the file that Winmostar generates and then run the job?
Yes. Follow the instructions in Basic Operation Flow if you do not want to run the calculation directly from Winmostar and only want to save the file.
13.5.17. Q. Is it possible to use the latest version of each solver or a version not listed in Winmostar’s operating environment?
13.6. File I/O
13.6.1. Q. I cannot open files created by other than Winmostar with Winmostar. When I edit the file generated by Winmostar and try to open it with Winmostar, it cannot be opened.
13.6.2. Q. When opening a file in MOL or SDF format, the bond length becomes unnatural. Hydrogen does not appear.
13.6.3. Q. When I load SMILES, it does not generate the intended structure. Why is this? What should I do?
13.7. On the modeling of molecules and creation of systems
13.7.1. Q. How do I change the type of chemical bond (single, double etc.)?
13.7.2. Q. function will display Error: Failed to solvate. and processing will fail.
——— Question details ———
When executing generate.log
and processing does not end normally.
gmx insert-molecules -try 100 -f gmx_tmp_water.gro -o gmx_tmp_water_tmp.gro -ci mol0.gro -nmol 64
set +v
Error : Failed to solvate.
Try general errors and Cygwin general errors and execute after reducing the number of molecules or reducing the density.
13.7.3. Q. When I run some functions, I get \357\273\277 etc. and the process fails.
——— Question details ———
When I run packmol.log
and the process does not end normally. ::: packmol.log.
/cygdrive/C/winmos11/UserData/builder_tmp/packmol.sh: line 1: $'\357\273\277packmol': command not found
A. \357\273\277 is a code contained in a UTF format text file called BOM and is not supported by programs in Cygwin and Linux environments. If you have checked [Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 with worldwide language support] in [Clock and Region] - [Change Date, Time, and Numeric Format] - [Administration] tab - [Change System Locale] in the Control Panel, please uncheck the box if you do not mind.
13.8. MPI on local machine, parallel execution
13.8.1. Q. Why does the parallel computation that flows by itself terminate abnormally? The parallel test in the installation test succeeds. Serial calculations also terminate normally.
13.8.2. Q. MPICH ends during computation.
13.8.3. Q. When executing parallel MPI of LAMMPS or Quantum ESPRESSO, warning is displayed as Unable to open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MPICH\SMPD\process\???? registry key, error 5 , Access denied.
13.8.4. Q. The installation of .NET Framework 3.5 using dotNetFx35setup.exe fails. What should I do?
A. You may be able to avoid this problem by installing from Windows PowerShell. Start Windows PowerShell with administrator privileges and enter the following command.
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU' -Name 'UseWUServer' -Value 0;
restart-service wuauserv;
dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3;
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU' -Name 'UseWUServer' -Value 1;
13.8.5. Q. I cannot find the number of parallels I want to set when I pull down the Number of Parallels combo box. How can I set the number of parallels I want?
Enter a value in the Number of Parallels field using the keyboard instead of selecting it by pull-down. You can enter any value in the Number of Parallels field using the keyboard.
13.9. Remote Jobs
13.9.1. Q. Please tell me how to submit a job to a supercomputer or a linux server in my company or my campus.
13.9.2. Q. I cannot connect from Winmostar to a server that allows SSH connections with various terminal software.
13.9.3. Q. SSH connection with public key method fails, when I specify the same private key file with other software such as TeraTerm or Cygwin, the connection succeeds. Is there a solution?
13.9.4. Q. The connection test with Test Connection succeeds, but the job submission fails.
13.9.5. Q. Connection test with Test Connection succeeds, but Putty’s WARNING is displayed and various operations fail.
13.9.6. Q. What type of MPI (MPICH, OpenMPI, etc.) can I use on the remote server?
13.9.7. Q. Why are some environment variables (e.g. PATH) that should be set on the remote server by filling in bashrc, etc., not set when running from Winmostar? What should I do in such cases?
13.9.8. Q. Is there any difference in behavior between the Windows version of the solver and the Linux version of the solver?
13.9.9. Q. Can I run calculations simultaneously for remote jobs that run on different servers?
13.9.10. Q. Where are passwords entered in the remote job profile stored? Is the password information stored in the project folder?
13.10. Simulation in general
13.10.1. Q. Is it possible to calculate the interaction between one substance and another substance with Winmostar?
13.10.2. Q. Can I calculate bond energies and bond divergence energies for a given bond in a molecule?
13.11. MOPAC, CNDO/S, GAMESS, NWChem, Gaussian
13.11.1. Q. I get an error while running a quantum chemistry calculation, what should I do?
13.11.2. Q. The Hamiltonian calculation method (Hamiltonian) or basis function (Basis Set) that I want to use is not found in the Configure window or the Easy Setup window for MOPAC, GAMESS, Gaussian and NWChem. How do I set it up?
13.11.3. Q. How are bonds determined when opening an input/output file or when regenerating bonds?
13.11.4. Q. Unnecessary bonds are displayed while modeling the system or when reading the calculation results. Or the bonds are not displayed. How can I fix this?
13.11.5. Q. Is it possible to optimize substructures from Winmostar using quantum chemical calculations?
13.11.6. Q. Why does the Dipole moment value displayed at the bottom of the Winmostar molecule display area differ from the dipole moment value manually calculated from the charges assigned to each atom, such as Mulliken charges?
13.11.7. Q. How many atoms can be calculated with MOPAC?
13.11.8. Q. It will display abnormally with the message ATOMS **, **, AND ** ARE WITHIN. **** ANGSTROMS OF A STRAIGHT LINE displayed in the MOPAC log.
13.11.9. Q. When MOPAC is executed, “UNRECOGNIZED KEY - WORDS: (PM 6 (Hamiltonian name))” is output to the log and the calculation ends.
13.11.10. Q. How do I use the solvent effect (COSMO method) in the MOPAC attached with Winmostar?
MOPAC which is included in Winmostar does not support the solvent effect (COSMO method). Please consider using GAMESS which is more accurate than MOPAC, although it takes more time to calculate.
13.11.11. Q. When I calculate with MOPAC other than Winmostar built-in (e.g. MOPAC2016), only some molecular orbitals are displayed.
Check the ALLVECS checkbox in the MOPAC Setup window to create an input file and perform the calculation.
13.11.12. Q. It can not be calculated when Method=INDO is used in CNDO/S.
13.11.13. Q. Is there a guideline for the maximum number of atoms (memory requirement) that can be calculated in GAMESS, Gaussian, and NWChem?
13.11.14. Q. Is it possible to speed up 3D display of ESP (electrostatic potential) of GAMESS, Gaussian, and NWChem?
13.11.15. Q. When running GAMESS, “* ERROR: MEMORY REQUEST EXCEEDS AVAILABLE MEMORY” etc. will be output to the log and the calculation will end abnormally.
13.11.16. Q. Immediately after installing GAMESS for Windows, I was able to use it without any problems, but at some point, all the calculations started to terminate abnormally in the middle. Is there a way to fix this?
13.11.17. Q. GAMESS outputs “WARNING. NUMBER OF INTERNAL COORDINATES IS GREATER THAN (3N - 6), BUT NO SYMMETRY COORDINATES ARE GIVEN.” in the calculation of only one atom and abnormally ends.
13.11.18. Q. The message **** ERROR **** PCM SPHERE (S) MUST HAVE A POSITIVE RADIUS
is displayed in the log of GAMESS and abnormally ends.
13.11.19. Q. When GAMESS is executed, “ERROR: BAD DELOCALIZED COORDINATES GENERATED !!!” is output to the log and the calculation ends abnormally.
13.11.20. Q. When I try to run NMR calculation in GAMESS (using RUNTYP=NMR), I get an error.
13.11.21. Q. When I use Diffuse functions in GAMESS, the SCF calculation does not converge.
13.11.22. Q. For some molecules, after optimization of Firefly, when I check the Molecular Orbit UVvis…, I get the error '*******' is not valid floating point value”.
13.11.23. Q. How do I deal with the message “THE GEOMETRY SEARCH IS NOT CONVERGED!” when I run a structural optimization calculation with GAMESS?
13.11.24. Q. I cannot download the GAMESS installer. How can I do this?
13.11.25. Q. The DFT calculation in GAMESS does not converge after displaying “CONVERGED TO SWOFF, SO DFT CALCULATION IS NOW SWITCHED ON”. Is there any way to deal with this?
13.11.26. Q. When parallel execution of NWChem, the calculation outputs “Please specify an authentication passphrase for smpd:” to the log and dows not run.
13.11.27. Q. When I run NWChem, I get the message “sym_geom_project: sym_center_map is inconsistent with requested accuracy” in the log and the calculation does not run.
13.11.28. Q. How can I put the solvent effect in NWChem?
13.11.29. Q. When executing NWChem, lines including “out of memory”, “alloc failed”, “ma_push failed”, “nga_create failed”, and “Global memory limit unreasonable” are printed in the log and calculations do not run.
13.11.30. Q. The Gaussian calculation may or may not work correctly.
13.11.31. Q. I read the Gaussian log file, but the orbital (eigen) energy etc. are not written.
13.11.32. Q. How do I calculate the chk file read in Gaussian?
13.11.33. Q. I get an error when I try to load a Gaussian fchk file that is several GB in size and display molecular orbitals.
13.12. LAMMPS, Gromacs
13.12.1. Q. I would like to run molecular dynamics calculations, but which should I use, LAMMPS or Gromacs?
13.12.2. Q. I get an error while running a molecular dynamics calculation, what should I do?
13.12.3. Q. How can we equilibrate the system in molecular dynamics calculation?
13.12.4. Q. In the MD calculation, how does the constraints by the SHAKE method etc. affect the calculation result? How do I choose a constraint method ?
13.12.5. Q. Why do molecules sometimes come out of the cell when in the trajectory or the final structure afterMD calculation?
13.12.6. Q. When I create a cell by adding water molecules from a cell in the [Solvate/Build Cell] menu to a large molecule such as a protein, the molecules sometimes stick out of the cell.
13.12.7. Q. The [MD]-[Solvate/Build Cell] and [Insert Molecule] processes do not finish after many minutes. Is there a solution?
13.12.8. Q. In the [MD]-[Assign Charges Automaticcally] menu, the error message “Topology file not found” is displayed. Is there a solution?
13.12.9. Q. The process of assigning the force field takes a long time and never ends. Is there a solution?
Especially when GAFF or OPLS-AA/L+GAFF is selected as the type of force field, it may take a long time to process. This is caused by the fact that acpype is used to allocate GAFF, OPLS-AA/L+GAFF, and acpype processing is slow. In the case of macromolecules with nearly 10,000 atoms per molecule, we have confirmed that the process can be completed normally after about 5-6 hours. Depending on the environment, it may be faster than this, or conversely, it may be slower. In the future, Winmostar will work on speeding up the process of allocating these force fields.
13.12.10. Q. I get an error message when assigning a force field. Is there a solution?
13.12.11. Q. Can I calculate dielectric constant from Gromacs or LAMMPS (Molecular Dynamics Calculation)?
13.12.12. Q. When I try to run an MD calculation from a structure created with the interface builder, the force field assignment fails or the MD calculation fails. Is there a solution?
13.12.13. Q. When pressure control (constant NPT or NPH) is used, the calculation fails in the middle of the process. Is there a solution?
13.12.14. Q. How do I decide interaction parameters between liquid (organic) and solid (inorganic) in LAMMPS and Gromacs?
13.12.15. Q. When I load the final structure or animation from Gromacs, or when I edit it in some way and then run the MD calculation again, the force field assignment fails or the MD calculation breaks down. Is there a solution?
13.12.16. Q. When loading the final structure or animation in Gromacs, the molecules are sometimes displayed in pieces.
13.12.17. Q. Even if Gromacs ER method result loading is executed, the result can not be displayed / an error will appear.
13.12.18. Q. The error message “Out of range atoms - cannot compute PPPM” appears in the LAMMPS log and the calculation terminates abnormally. Please let me know how to deal with this.
13.12.19. Q. How can I plot the trajectory of a specific atom?
13.12.20. Q. The dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) calculation gave me a different result than intuitive. Why is this?
There is no single pathway to approximate actual molecular assemblies with a DPD model, and it is likely that this is where the model was inadequate. It is also likely that the interactions between DPD particles are modeled quite boldly, and that the system you want to represent is beyond the expressive power of DPD in the first place. The construction of coarse-grained MD models, including DPD models, is highly individualized, and in many cases, a coping strategy will not lead to a fundamental solution, so Winmostar’s support basically consists of individual consulting, starting with asking about the original research objectives.
13.13. About Quantum ESPRESSO, OpenMX
13.13.1. Q. I installed the Quantum ESPRESSO pseudopotential file as per the instructions, but it is not recognized.
, Au.pbe-dn-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF
, etc.) to the pseudo folder under the Quantum ESPRESSO installation folder ( By default, this is C:\Program Files\Quantum ESPRESSO 64-bit 5.2.1pseudo etc.) under the Quantum ESPRESSO installation folder. However, if you download and save the UPF file using a browser such as the old Internet Exproler, there have been reports of problems such as the extension being changed without your permission, so please also try a browser such as Edge or Chrome.