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Key Attributes

Key Attributes 1

Covers international standard calculation methods in a single package

Winmostar seamlessly integrates with industry-leading solvers such as GAMESS, NWChem, MOPAC, LAMMPS, Gromacs and Quantum ESPRESSO, allowing researchers worldwide to operate them through a unified workflow.
By implementing Winmostar, users can streamline a wide range of tasks with maximum efficiency.
Moreover, the computational methods adopted in Winmostar are extensively cited in academic papers globally, minimizing the need for users to validate their methodology when adopting the software.
With Winmostar, cutting-edge research and practical applications become more accessible than ever.

Key Attributes 2

The perfect solution for mastering GAMESS, NWChem, MOPAC, LAMMPS, Gromacs, Quantum ESPRESSO, etc.

Winmostar efficiently organizes and generates well-structured, practical input files for various solvers such as
GAMESS, NWChem, MOPAC, LAMMPS, Gromacs, and Quantum ESPRESSO,
making it an invaluable tool for learning solver operations.

Key Attributes 3

Highly efficient and cost-effective

Unlock advanced simulation technologies at an unbeatable cost by choosing the right plan.
By leveraging widely adopted open-source solvers (OSS) trusted by researchers worldwide,
and drawing on over a decade of experience in developing, selling, and supporting more than 1,000 units,
we deliver superior quality at an exceptional price.

Winmostar Third-party products
Supported solver types Extensive solver support, covering qantum chemistry, first principles, and molecular dynamics Solver compatibility scales with price – lower-priced options support only a limited selection
License fee Fair and transparent pricing adjusted to support needs Complex and costly pricing with unclear terms
Maintenance cost of calculation data Ensures long-term data accessibility without requiring an Winmostar license, minimizing costs Data reuse is restricted without license renewal, leading to vendor lock-in and higher costs
Running large-scale jobs Parallel computing is fully supported with no extra charges Costs increase based on the number of parallel processes
