6.31. How to operate the graph

Operation in graph drawing area
Left drag

Move the graph in translation.

You can restore it with Refresh button.

Drag right

Enlarge the graph.

You can restore it with Refresh button.

Show Setting

Set the drawing range automatically.


When you uncheck Autoscale checkbox, specify the drawing area directly.


It displays it in logarithm. The drawing range must be greater than 0.


Reset drawing of the graph.

Copy Image

Copy the graph to the clipboard as an image.

Export csv & Open Excel

Output csv file and open Excel.

Export csv

Output a csv file.

Copy Columns

Copy selected data in a format that can be pasted into Excel.

Export Gnuplot File

Output Gnuplot file.

Calculate Average

Calculates and displays the average value of the displayed data over a specified range.

Add Cumulative Average

Add a plot of the integrated mean of the displayed data.

Add Batch Average

Add a plot of batch averages (moving averages) of the displayed data. The graph will be smoothed.

Calculate Histogram

Calculate and display a histogram of the displayed data.

Calculate Differences from First/Last Value

Calculates and displays the difference from the first or last value for the displayed data.

Calculate First Differences

Calculates and displays the first difference of the displayed data.

Calcualte Integrated Values

Calculates and displays the integral value of the displayed data.

Calculate Average between Series

Displays data averaged across multiple data (series) displayed.

Fit Curve

Fits the displayed data to a function. In Type, the type of function is selected. In Equation and List of Parameters, the function and coefficients to be fitted are displayed. If the Type is Custom, enter the function and coefficients in the Equation and List of Parameters fields. Equation can be entered in Python format, and Numpy can be called with np.In List of Initial Parameter Values, enter the initial values of the coefficients, separated by commas. Enter the range of coefficients in the List of Parameter Value Ranges as a tuple (for example, enter “(lower limit of argument 1, lower limit of argument 2, lower limit of argument 3),(upper limit of argument 1, upper limit of argument 2, upper limit of argument 3)” when there are three coefficients). Check Specify Range to specify the range to be fitted. If “Specify 2nd Range” is checked, additional fitting will be performed in a range other than the one specified in Specify Range. Fitted Parameters displays the coefficients after fitting, and clicking Fit executes the fitting.